For Investors

Smarter Real Estate Investing
You are a savvy investor interested in an investment that generates cash-flow and strong returns. You want to explore multifamily and commercial real estate investments because they provide a significant yield and are a great vehicle for achieving a steady return.
If real estate is an investment product that you can’t easily get on your own, or you perceive to be a hassle, you are ready to work with Harbor Drive Holdings.
Our Process

Location and Market Criteria; We identify and evaluate emerging growth markets throughout the United States with a consistently strong historic performance, as well as a positive and long-term outlook.

Acquisition; After a comprehensive property evaluation, we acquire assets with the potential to provide steady yield and equity growth through the holding period.

Operations; As operations specialists, we consistently improve the asset by driving occupancy, increasing gross income, decreasing expenses, and maintaining or improving property condition through a variety of value-add strategies.

Investment Goal; As a yield-focused real estate firm, our goal is to increase Net Operating Income (NOI) and distributable cash flow to our investing partners. Through NOI growth, we have the ability to increase the value of your investment year over year.

Why Harbor Drive Holdings?
Harbor Drive Holdings: Smarter Investing
You’ll capture growth opportunities with our investing experience, operational expertise and efficiencies in management practices that control, reduce, and aggregate costs while adding to every property’s value.
A strategy that works well for our investors
We handle 100% of the operations and management of the properties, including improvements which adds value and increases the property’s value.
Consistent cash-flow with many tax benefits
Some investors are looking for consistent cash-flow. Others are seeking tax benefits that come from real estate ownership. We deliver the full package, including quarterly cash-flow returns and strong profit on the back end.
Multifamily and Commercial Real Estate investing offers the prospect of capital appreciation, and double-digits results
We find underperforming multifamily and commercial real estate investment opportunities. Through diligent operational expertise, management efficiencies, and capital improvements, we create real growth opportunities.
Harbor Drive Holdings intentionally maintains close positive relationships with investors, property managers, contractors, brokers, accountants, attorneys and other service providers to maximize investment potential.